The Wheelhouse
Humanizing national gun policy in the wake of the 2024 elections
Episode 10 | 52m 3sVideo has Closed Captions
We discuss how the national gun policy discourse affects survivors of gun violence.
Last year, 46,728 people were killed in firearm deaths. For parents and families grieving children lost to the Sandy Hook School shooting, there’s no escaping the trauma associated with that loss, and the rhetoric surrounding gun violence. Today on the Wheelhouse, how the national gun policy discourse affects survivors of gun violence.
The Wheelhouse is a local public television program presented by CPTV
The Wheelhouse
Humanizing national gun policy in the wake of the 2024 elections
Episode 10 | 52m 3sVideo has Closed Captions
Last year, 46,728 people were killed in firearm deaths. For parents and families grieving children lost to the Sandy Hook School shooting, there’s no escaping the trauma associated with that loss, and the rhetoric surrounding gun violence. Today on the Wheelhouse, how the national gun policy discourse affects survivors of gun violence.
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for way Greenefeaturing and Hi, Grazianoshowthatconnects politics.
yourweeklydoseofpolitics inConnecticut here.
joining Earlier General issueda declaring publichealthcrisisin America.Firearmsleading cause and to17inthe According Johns ViolenceSolutions Connecticut,we've tragiceffects violencemanytimes,notably duringthe ElementarySchoolshooting where schoolemployees inNewtown,Connecticut.So often tragedies experiences behindsurvivors violencetoday about survivors wellaswhatsteps and protect violence.
now who's hosting wheelhouse.
humanity, residence PublicHealthShare Humanities.
licensedmarriageand therapist Grace Grace.Thank being you happy studio.
talking I'vehad listentoall Reallyimpressivehow comingalong.I knowwhy PublicHealthwants involvedina particularlythispodcast.Why it'simportant workat, said, something InjuryPreventioninitiative.
And often gun fromthe survivorhas topolicyoractivismorother outside voicesofsurvivors,how violenceisliterally impacting lives.WhenI them, todoabout start peoplesotheycan their And dataI difference, moment.
information Misinformationisrampant.
Sorry.Doyou The wellasthe withinYaleSchoolofPublic Healthwilltalktosuggest Rivas thatlater.You morevital timethatwe're because soughtafter the misinformation.
after manyevents.
Hook, Reallyterriblething.Itwas inadditionto.
children, wehad incredibleconsequence our misinformationspread.
think thatisbased bytelling survivors.Whenyou anecdote, tellyou appreciateyou because tobeout particularlyafter justshared.
years,still shoulders.Yeah.
it'sveryimportant yourperspective gonna podcast.You Kristin son unsecured friend'shouse.And describes box a was didn'ttrust had was mother.
child trust withmyother verylongtime.
liketosay,no, not had madethe Sandy myself.
wedothisand withthat?
conversations thatyou Kristen.I like, learn activists?Moms?
learningthingsabout now you'rehavingthese important are havea respect through thing asI'venever thatthatI guns.
you tothisjustwanttotake everybody's that.
Number2 courage the fromthatearly The changeother change, personbackathow courage that.
3rd finds All respect thingsyou refrains.
nobodywants gunsthathas thistragedy,particularlythe Sandy one.But hearyou tobea Sabrina talkedtoonyourpodcast episode Nobodywants tellmemoreabout Sabrina ofTrayvon another tostayinbed.And tosay until was her ofitand about reallywhy tokeepthe loved toseekjustice.I thatsurvivors liveatthisintersectionof grief,traumaand and subsequentlyaddresses things.
oftalkedtorecentlyadd the years process,you withJoanneadversity,Arizona State she's think There familymembers the primary factthatshe adequatelycared community communities rallyingarounditsupporting survivors I isthatafter this, comfortable survivors,thentalking survivors,finda talktothemdirectly, themdirectlywhattheyneed.
Weare groups.
byevengroup H*****, werenot singlepersoninnew inother are voice.Listentothem.
cannothelppeopleorresource people.
relationshipwithsofindand beinrelationshipwith people.
heard you withKristin talking Canada.
asyou'reinterviewingfolks nodding because similar exactly going wishthatpeoplenever impactedbygun least impactedbygun justhelpmeunderstandpeople thatthink liveinsomekindofholeor something they're violencedoesn't understandthe distanceourselves horriblethingsand doitisbypromoting Americanmythology goodenough.
enough, I the ofNewtown,there's lovetheir Right?Sothisisnot ofmakingmistakesorare careful.Itcan anyone.
100 can can yourpodcast timehereina happenina happenata weheard Ethan yourown numberone firearm It'snot not suicide.Thisisthe dollarquestion.
sureyou thisall wetry not moreofa Asyou'redoing podcast.Absolutely.
iswin storytellingindatacomes handy.But toworkifwedon't let's publichealthgathering identifying protectivefactors and scaling cultivating partnerships.
tools solve publichealth.
apply weknowgun publichealthissue.Whata concept withthisconversation.
you'renot far Wheeler suggest and you'retalking Sothat'swhatI wanttogotolater.But first,I how worktoday.SoI morning.That'snumberone.I get thisincrediblefamilyhigh.
Isaiahyourmotherloves somuchand husband atWestern University.
SchoolofPublicHealth, partneringwithBrileyhuman beings.
Ana thankfulfor get talkmoreabout Project veryspecial aswell.
extraordinary peoplewejusthad,the honestfavoriteprincess, first Disney.
800 Grace Connecticut.Thisisa where Theyreallyneeda inlight oninthe adultscan inthe Ana remindpeoplethat.
someI underscorethis.
ofthe and whenyou see ofwanttoimpress astheygointothis.
tosay can aswell.
loveother I beautiful educators administratorsdoatthe Grace,a remindthemselvesand another the there neededthat.
important thisinessentially community away.
working Hartfordarea.
understandeasyand husband Greater the schoolfor iswhere downthe Elizabeth downthere and Thank years.32years but was islikeyou JimmieGrammyAward played.
wetalkedtohim And tohearthatabout because accomplishedflutist marriageand You Sohow out thenmakethemnow Jimmy's.Weremindthemthat theycan,infact.
the they're area.
stoppingthembased geography ongenderbased There These brilliant evermet encourage the encourage sharedhumanitya believe It'ssph slash likethat.
The humanity.
there.Well, workonitbecause quick totakea now littlebit listening Green atYaleSchoolofPublic Health.
and now she alsothe Grace her weget we'll Wheeler,who's And Healthreportersuggest and ongoing violenceasa Right?
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Thisisthe Connecticut,publicRadio.I'm Frankie We're ofgun FrancineWheeler BenjaminWheeler shootingatSandy ElementarySchoolin2012.
wentontofound Ben's thank morning.Thank me.
about intoa and it'sOK, questions justposttonow.But okay.
peopleunderstoodabout thathavegonethrough survivors Well, imagine isbecause imagine theycan peoplejustdon't empathize hard.
manypeopleare theydon't being and wehavegrief away.
armsand still it'sa it'sone hard.
And more.
think helpusfeelsupported.I've gottentoknowyou son testimony and interviewsthatyou'vedone.
understandhis schoolbut aswell.
many, but Yeah, I Ben's ofhim House sunlighttowardasset God.Now timeI'm favorite.
alwayshad lighthouseonthe wantedtobea keeper.
it'ssofunny backbecause don't goodcareerchoice.
I saidItwas wantedtodomorethan anything.
a was pitch,meaning Seeingnodoubt nowitha I'm was perfect amazing.So, Lighthouseisand music lighthousebecamethe inspiration doing founded 2012for know.
workthatyou right peopleatTrinity New said, dosomething And kids.
organizationthatI Ben's his for helpanarson was duringthattimefor several through stronger.
let's helping helping program coup.
professionalbuilt fromJim hedesignedthe weserve tounderstandfeelings, empathy the and sharing we're and serve performance camps.I quite guide And reallywanttoimpress folks particularlyinthistimeof darkness, haveyou alternative theycan anopportunity frommaybe future.
How understandgun through Well, but school.
addresses safetythat'sveryimportant for emotional thoughI'm ama and whatI childrenneedtofeelthat their theycan saidtheycan togetherand ofsomething feelsupport betterhumansbecause Can thatyou'vegottenfromthe studentsorany stories workthatyou proud was kindofbackwards itsosuccessfulinthe beginning.Weknowwehavea new now haveservedhundredsofkids and havebeenmentors the who theyhaveone mentees their toldmehas their tome.
LikeI'vedonesomething helptheminBen's think teasand themselves.
not December14th.
they'll I Lighthousekeeper.
and other evenhavetoadvertise new peopleknowthatit'sthere for reallycount helptheir iftheyhavetrouble connectingtoothers.
a somuchtimeinsociety ofc***and how now childrennowadayshavejust gonethrough havingtolearn They're violenceisa crisis.
going I 10now.Herelated story friends hefeels shout Hecan.Hecan front talking upwithways.
likeone inthe our about can't you you weget and we've for happy knowwhat?
all are support themsay,you you'renot thisway.Yes,wedoteaching them.
thatabsoluteour Chloe callback.
talkedabout about childrenand thatwecan't That'sWehavetotellthem, asI often,ifI something don't you Maybe somewhere that.
going kindofthing childrentotry findwaystocopeortry findthe Yeah, findtheir everybody their theydon't polarized evenunderstandwhat'sout there.Soall ofthemdo.
don't.I listen.
truth.ThatifI don't year-old.
I tobelikeyou I thenI'm that'sthat'swhat'simportant tome.
tonow.earlier thatnobodywants gunsaway.
involvedinthisprocess.I've alsoheard not anybody's ofmindfor the talking presidencynow.But talkabout the I Murphywas week'spost-election ofthe kindofallowed weretalking who cross lobbyists.He'swondering he'll kindofgun may interpretationofSecond Amendment takes legislature Connecticut.The keepour the timewill, tell.
manypeoplewereconsidering likea justdon't violenceatthislarge where know, Thingslikethatiscomingoff ofjusttobreak legislation now something's Sodoyou ofconcerns?
you.But know, and off try it.
thing mygrief.Share anartistand bestpersonI educate violencefeels know, people, this, changes are ina thanmostpeople.
share maybe atleast whateffects violence, and local can maybe federally wecan.Maybe community kinds doing thank because haveyou totalkabout eventhe gun reform, onpeoplethathavegone through share shouldknowabout thatyou anythingthatyou clear listening Well, all,I listening they've are because grief saidearlier,it'sreally, reallyimportant itwas spouseoryourmom Because mybody.
It'spartofmywriting.It willnever life.
say grief doknowthatlike, example,I'vewritten withmusic itI peoplein2013.
thatthe describingSandy town.
the different storytelling, telling helppeopleunderstandhow violencecan because peopleisthrough stories me.
sharing appreciateyou I'd talking and comingup.
FridayinvolvedwithBen's Lighthouse.
excited EdmondTownHallinNewtown, Connecticut,we're havethe cash.
Leventhal,and the songwriterJoe beautiful actuallyproducedmyplay.
theyare community tohelpusraise thatwecan Connecticut.Moretoother schools communities.Sopolicethere are selling going beautiful community literally light Connecticut.Where findthisinformation,get tickets about ifyou togiveusa really, anythingyou wanttoget childrenaswecan program,these you Francine, listening founder after now.But conversation.
Steyer'swell, bysuchout seniorhealthreporterherein Connecticut.Public.
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Thisisthe Connecticut,publicRadio.
Frankie violence.
crisisinAmerica.Witha secondDonaldTrump onthe wondering president-elect gun-related Joining got healthreporterhere Connecticut.Publixa thank today.Morning.Frank,thank you that'sbeing wellatthe PublicHealthand violence.
FrancineWheeler,founder Ben's for backnow.The activists YaleSchoolofPublicHealth, hostofsharedHumanityand founder Project.Jointhe conversation.
7,2,0,9,6,7,7,more importantly,you tosomebodyyou saysNationalHelpline1,806, 6,2,help.
2,4,3,5,7,thatheread thatnumbertoone What?
confidentialand 7.Sohopefully abletofillinsome perspective.Justkindofwhat I about you job bit stuff about.Justwanttoask there's heard but respond and and light.Standsout everythingyou everythingyou for Thank Frank,important bothofthemsaidthatshould carry know, thattheydo.
podcast behindall the the narratives, has violenceisnot improbable, is.
imagine tolivewithgrief goesaway.
looking know, Vivek thatgun healthcrisis.
intodatathatshowedfirearms are for inthe kidsbetween tosay noon.
That'syou ofmoretypical sir drowningcardiovascular.
mean, It'snot whatI earlier.And whatI podcast incidents churchschoolinpeople's homes.It'sjustsomething thatisinescapable.Sothis workbecomes important.imagining you cameout about Yeah.
day about right peopleinand Peoplewhose touched never kid partofa discussionwithSenateSenator Chris Irene food.
neighborhoodand friends parkacrossthe towalkdownthe school.
one Whatifmyparents Whatifmyfriendgot One that'swhatsometimes kidsdisappointedand upset sometimes thatthingswerea And support.Prettymuch.
veryclose you factors violence, mentalhealthissues.
elsewewhatelsemight sex loneliness, topublicsafetyaccessto of, spaces, homes conflictina And might but Whenpeoplehaveaxesat moments regulation, because Justwanttotalkabout experienceaswell.
herewehad tokindofquantifythingsand helpusout wetalkedabout sense survivors deadliest never formeranswered.
decidetofocus healthand violenceasa issue?Why focus?Sowhenthatthe about thatwas right?Sothere's piece yet,which shootings empathy media thatgun issue decades thatthere grandmothersand Hartford, Bridgeport, London, themselvestoBridgeport, dedicated activism.
gottenany numberone.Number2,sofar, we've who'velostpeople.
millionsofpeoplewho the bulletwounds.
livinginbodieswho witnesses eventsorotherwise Sowe're about peoplewerealsotalking the livewithchronic theysurvivedincident.
They've where injury.
for activesocialjustice.Public healthisa way violence.
proud and publicofa preventioninitiativebecause itgives share Well, thathappens you'rea kindofusedfor thatand timehomewhich about don't reallygratefulthe homewhere and you ofmyworkasa the spend wedon't similar important because Especiallywhenwetalkabout gun perspective peopleunderstandthatifyou dowanttokeepanunsecured firearm that, you impacting it'sjustimportant thatperspective That'swhy surethatweget there children.
littlebit but mentalhealthand themhow You differenceona level,atleast?Well, because children, the sharing weknowhow Let's you themupintheir helping can likeI safe.
trickything Feeling talking unsafe.
havea respect lovefor theypossiblygoout world Theyneedthat.
thatthe the thatreason.
onthe the gun crisis.
think these littlebit nowadays.
eachother a between mentalhealth.
important prioritizementalhealth services?
start 48,000ish deathsin20.
halfofthose.Sosites.And duringmyinterview about publicschool, thatcameout dataisstartingits Statesisanoutlier ina fatalitiesoralmost10times thatofCanadaand thancompare economic, countries.The friends doctorwho and PublicHealth saidsomething in.
because wrong there's explain accesstothese moments hopelessness talking And works right the the and where installationcalled.
motherand tookmewalkdownthe she she's worktoday,you job.And the bulletwoundsinher shots her was seenit.
makingart name.
UsedtogivemeYou bycheck I thingslikethat.
brother And thisispublichealthatthe intersectionmanydifferent forcesthatare UnitedStatesinparticular.
Whatyou'repointingtothat doesget conversationnow the thank up.
inbreakingnews, inHartfordand Froghollowjusttokindof personify was in2015itwas yearonrecordatthe wewantedtomakesurethatwe got community.Weprofiledone the and holes,asyou buildinginFroghollow.
it'simportant thatyou'retalking reallywanttounderscore, pleasepay reporting violenceusget aspartofthe gun ghost off about but intersectionwithsuicide.And Kay you there's luckily parents diagnosis support manypeoplethatare undiagnosed issuesand their healthwas Lawmakers because now pandemicera Sobudgeting health.
ofyou.Are someofthose going conversations the withlawmakers hearing yourthoughts?
tomovebeyondreflexive change, something and toall reallymovetoo change, communities.Somentalhealth being stablehousing,mentalhealth, being accesstohealthcarewhen theyneedit.
there's the likelynegativelyimpacting everyoneeveniftheyweren't there.Weknowthat communities dobetterthancommunities without thatcommunities betterthancommunities without.Thisisthe publichealth.
measure better.
investing and Sandy healththing.Weforgot.
say could think hereright the theydoand do.
build community that'sthat'show beforesomething And thatfor something him,thatI and tables, And and thatwehavetobuild thatwehaveto.
Well, havetokeepdoing thatpeopleunderstandthat thisisthe going build tokeeptalking.Wehaveto talkour mybrother old I'm own wordthatweek.
bring can and conversations.Sothank guysfor onlya someofjustthrow ofstuff.It'sa the seeingtotry 2025session level atthe welookatDonaldTrump presidency.
givea Bardenwhose killedinSandy I how under President first administrationand mentalhealthand President because France, mean, isnon-partisanwhenpeople cometogetherand how safe?
you that'swhere comes upsomereallypowerful programsthatshown and inAtlanta signs.Yes.And funding securethat.
about pushing SchoolSafetyAct.And bipartisansupport Hayes fromFlorida.Bothare co-sponsors.Sothat'sgoing onhere.
level.Chris lot the communities something bipartisanlevel.Again,if you Helplineat1,8,100,6,6, can 2,4,3,5,7,1,8,106,6, 2,4,3,5,7,It'sfree, confidentialavailable.247.
Sojob favoritepeopleofall seniorhealthConnecticut public.
somuchfor Frank,pleasepay her Org.You'vealsobeen listening activistinresidence SchoolofPublicHealth.
Hosea Humanity.
dot Now Ana thank here.
seenFrancineWheeler,founder ofBen's anevent weekend.Francine, muchfor the you'reinterestedinlearning moreabout sorts,oncomingbenefit concert,you links Page, producedbyChloe editedbyRobin.Doina Our Maestro Frankie wheelhouse.
♪ EmployeesaysLove.
ofaneye.Now,stunned.It store.tome.
thatyou ♪ people.
a you it ♪ ♪ And ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
The Wheelhouse is a local public television program presented by CPTV